Earth |
excellent global geophysical map where sea are shown
in black, low hills in green, the mountains in brown
and their peaks in pure white. This was created with
the aid of up-to-date technology methods and after
having collected elements from all over he world. So
they succeeded in making a very detailed picture of
the bas-re-lief of our marcellons planet.
day - night |
watching the global map you can see-right this
moment-which countries are at night which ones are at
daytime. (If the map’s picture isn’t clear press F5). |
The glacier lampert
in Antarctic is one million square meters in area and its leugth
is four nundred klms. |
The synthesis of
many photos taken by satellites that “keep an eye” on the Earth
during the night reveals a perfect image that will impress
everyone whenever seen! |
Scientists of NASA
composed the most clear and detailed image of the
whole globe using colours that correspoud to the
visual part of the spectrum with the aid of MODIS
(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradio meter)
which is a telescopic organ on the satellite Terra.
Greece |
Impressive photos of Greece |
Galaxies |
The great
galaxy “Andromeda” has two smaller ,neighbouring ones (M110
and M32), which are being vanished little by little, as if
Andromeda “devours” them… |
to a scientific point of view , Andromeda has already “swallowed”
several stars belonging to the two smaller galaxies. It seems that
the majority of the big galaxies- among which is ours, too,-are
being developed this way :”decomposing”smaller ones!!

This image is
unigue: it shows our galaxy as it seem from outside. |
This is an image
composed by astronomers who have analysed half a billion stars and it
shows the whole disc of our galaxy as well as the ceutral part of its
stars which has been found lately. |
An unusual galaxy in the centre and around it
a huge ring made of blue stars, compose a nuaguificeut sight
agaiust the black background of the space. |
photo was taken by the Space Telescope Hubble (9 of July 2001). |
cousists of motes and gas and looks like a monster… Have a look
at this amazing photo taken by the Space Telescope Hubble!
eclipse |
The sun’s shadow above Earth during a
complete eclipse?. .This photo was taken by astronauts of the space
station “Mir” on August 1999. |